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Many organisations and businesses continue to use outdated Windows operating systems and Microsoft Office apps. As a result, they are putting their security, privacy, and data at risk.

Outdated software can significantly increase your security risk. Without the latest security patches and updates, your system and data are vulnerable to attack. In addition, outdated operating systems can contain backdoors that cybercriminals can use to gain access to your network and data.

The Risk and Dangers

Every computer user knows that it is critical to keep their computer software up to date. However, in today’s fast-paced world, it can be easily overlooked or deemed less important. In this article, we will look at why it is important to keep your computer software up to date.

  • Vulnerability – Outdated software can leave you vulnerable to security risks.
  • Limited functionalities – Older software versions often lack new features and functionalities that can help improve productivity.
  • Compatibility issues – Your operating system and applications may not be compatible with other software that your business uses.
  • Performance issues – It is common for outdated operating systems to slow down your laptop or computer as it may not be optimised for the latest processes and functions.

How do Outdated Windows Operating Systems and Microsoft Office Applications Affect Your Business?

According to Microsoft, more than 60% of businesses are still using the Windows XP, an outdated version of the Windows operating system. Despite continuous efforts from tech companies, technology like Windows XP may not support minimum requirements for future software products.

Outdated operating systems have no security updates, fixes, or patches. Any business still using this technology risks becoming a susceptible target for computer viruses and malware. Cybercriminals are also known to target users of outdated Windows operating systems and Office applications.

Similarly, for Microsoft Office applications, many businesses have yet to upgrade to the latest version. Older versions are deprived of the newer features and functionalities, which can improve productivity and efficiency.

How Can You Determine if Your Windows Operating System or Microsoft Office Application is Outdated?

Microsoft regularly releases updates to fix security holes, so you should run these updates as soon as they become available.

You can check to see if your operating system or application is outdated by opening System by clicking the Start button and typing “system” in the Start menu’s search box. The System window will open, and you will be able to see the version of your operating system.

To check for outdated Microsoft Office applications, open the Control Panel and click the Programs and Features icon. The Programs and Features window will open and show you the full version number of all installed Office applications.

Check with your IT vendor if you are unsure of the version of your software. They would also be able to advise you on upgrading to the latest version.

How to Find and Install the Latest Versions of Windows and Microsoft Office.

If you are running an outdated version of Windows, it is time to upgrade. The latest versions of Windows offer improved security and performance, and support the latest hardware and software.

Step 1: Check Your Current Windows Version
First, verify the version of Windows installed on your device. To do this, go to Settings > System > About Your PC, or visit Microsoft’s official website for detailed instructions. Compare your version with the latest release available to ensure you are up-to-date.

Step 2: Upgrade to the Latest Windows Version
If your version is outdated, visit the official Microsoft website or use the built-in Windows Update feature to download and install the latest version. Always ensure your device meets the system requirements before proceeding with the update.

Step 3: Install the Latest Microsoft Office Version
After upgrading Windows, it is essential to ensure compatibility with the latest Microsoft Office version. You can check the latest Office version and its compatibility with your Windows installation through the Microsoft website or the Microsoft 365 app. Simply download and install the version that matches your system.

Benefits ofUpdating an Outdated Operating System.

While it can be tempting to stick with an operating system that works well, you may want to update your operating system to a newer version. Newer operating systems offer enhanced security and performance. Here are a few benefits of updating your outdated operating system.

  • Improved security: Many operating system updates include security enhancements and bug fixes. These fixes make it more difficult for unauthorised users to break into your system. For example, releasing Windows 8 made over 1,000 security improvements to the operating system.
  • Faster performance: Outdated operating systems can slow down your hardware, which can affect your computer’s performance. Newer operating systems are better optimised to run on a computer’s hardware, which can speed up your computer’s overall performance.
  • Better compatibility with new software: Updating your operating system can help you take advantage of new software programs and technologies. For example, upgrading to the latest version of Microsoft Office can make programs more efficient.
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While updating your software may require time and effort, the advantages far outweigh the inconvenience. By keeping your systems and applications up to date, you strengthen your security, protect your devices from viruses and malware, and ensure optimal performance. Regular updates and patches are key to safeguarding your business and maintaining smooth, efficient operations.

Get assistance to update your outdated Windows operating system and Microsoft Office applications by calling us at 1300 440 444
